Featured product
Italian cooked ham with a delicate aroma and perfume that offers to all consumers the best of taste.

From beginning to end
We have developed products suitable for the new market segments of recent years: singles, gluten-free and light products. We carefully observe the changing needs that emerge in our society because we place great importance on consumer satisfaction. We guarantee, from start to finish. From the preservation of the nutritional properties of the raw material to the product packaging, transparent in some cases, an invitation to see before choosing.
Better Storage
Freshness Assured

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Article on Foodservice magazine
Read the article on Foodservice magazine.
Our Blog
A company of family and people
A story of authentic passion... that is handed down! It is no coincidence that our company is named after our founders, and Barlassina (6,800 inhabitants in the province of Monza Brianza) is the location that hosts our headquarters. The purpose is to continue the family tradition with a business founded by the great-grandparents in 1935, operate through a close relationship with the territory and enhance the contribution of...